In Mr. Bysshe’s Study, Act 1, Scene 2

Act 1, Scene 2: Richard Bysshe’s Study

OPEN ON Richard Bysshe alone at his desk, speaking into the telephone.

Mr. Bysshe:  Then I may inform Her Ladyship that you accept?  Thank you, Miss Trueheart.  The guests are to arrive this afternoon, so any time now.  Dinner is to be at seven.  Good-bye.

HE HANGS up and makes a note on a paper.


Geoffrey:  I say, Richard, seen anything of Nurse today?

Mr. Bysshe:  I have not, My Lord.

Geoffrey:  Oh, cut out that title guff.  It makes me all hot and prickly, you My Lording me.  I mean, we were up at Oxford together.  Dash it.

Mr. Bysshe:  Sorry, but you’ll just have to lump it.  If I get out of the habit of My Lording you, My Lord, Her Ladyship your mother will have me out on my ear.  There are reasons why I cannot allow that to happen.  My Lord.