Welcome! Thanks for visiting! We’re a bit at sixes and sevens at the moment, but do come in. Mind where you step.
For your amusement and edification, we at The Athertonian — and when I say “we,” what I mean is “I” — have prepared several unique and diverting Entertainments, absolutely free of charge.
Specifically –
A novel, formatted, for some reason, as a play. The reason is “Because it is awesome, and this is my website.”
A Stately Home. A Domineering Matriarch. People With Secrets. A House Party. And, of course, Murder. At Atherton Manor.
At Least One Murder. Probably Several. At Atherton Manor.
Atherton is, Quite Literally, My Middle Name. Murder. At Atherton Manor.
Absolutely do not miss the Dramatis Personae gallery!! Each picture –save one– guaranteed genuine Athertonian — that is, each and every one, with one exception, is a picture of me, Assuming some rude disguise — and, should you click upon a picture, you will not only view the picture much enlarged, but scrolling down will enable you to peruse the sordid story lurking behind these smiling masks.
My articles, musings, etc.
Cricket, Or, The Americans Are Stumped- A Play For Voices
Atherton’s Magic Vapour — Chapter Titles and Tables of Contents in Gothic Horror
O My Viagra, My New-Found-Land — The Strangest Spam Mail I Have Ever Seen
Dream – Journal of The Athertonian
More Miscellany, dealing with the Domestick Life of The Athertonian, as well as many other diverse subjects of pressing interest to The Publick, can be found on my entirely new, totally fancy Blog, Atherton’s Magic Vapour.
In fact, I have more or less moved over to Atherton’s Magic Vapour. Do come and call on me there!
Thanks for visiting! Stay as long as you like!
The Athertonian